Strategic Advantage


Taylor your verifications with IDWatch!

IDWatch reports offer a range of flexible verifications specifically tailored to examine loan applications, borrower details, and property data.  By customizing these verifications, lenders can delve into critical aspects of the loan process, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.

Enhanced Security Against Fraud

By leveraging IDWatch, users benefit from a heightened level of security against potential fraud risks. The customizable verifications meticulously examine loan applications, borrower details, and property data, acting as a robust defense mechanism to identify and prevent fraudulent activities, safeguarding the integrity of the lending process.

Minimized Risk of Applicant Misrepresentation

IDWatch goes beyond standard checks by offering customizable verifications that specifically target loan application, borrower, and property data. This not only protects lenders from fraud but also minimizes the risk of undiscovered misrepresentation by applicants. Lenders can trust the accuracy of the information provided, leading to more informed and confident decision-making.

Intensify security and accuracy, making sure your identity checks and fraud prevention are top-notch for solid risk management.

Participant Searches

Instant ID, Person Search, Property Ownership Search, Relatives and Associates, Driver’s License, Voter Registration, Employer Validation, Property History Search, Associated Businesses, Liens and Judgments, and NOD/Foreclosure Search

Borrower Searches

Instant ID, Person Search, Property Ownership Search, Relatives and Associates, Driver’s License, Voter Registration, Employer Validation, Property History Search, Associated Businesses, Liens and Judgments, and NOD/Foreclosure Search

Optimized Financial Choices

IDWatch has brought together some of the top data sources in the country to allow you to customize your report with the data that best fits your use case.